Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Stripers on Top! Don't go if you have a weak heart!

Whitney is on fire right now, the stripers have gone shallow and we are catching them in 2 to 6' of water on top water baits and swim baits. If you have never done this you really should come get ya some! Nothing like a big striper blowing up at the boat right under you on a big bait and screaming line out! Just don't go if you have a weak heart!
 The sand bass are schooling up all over the lake, this is a great way to break the kids into fishing. A lot of fast action and they don't have time to get bored. Pretty exciting to see a 1/2 acre of fish boiling the water. Don't wait, the time is now. Come on down and let's load the boat! God Bless you and hope some day soon to " See Ya on the Water!"