Monday, July 22, 2013

Big Stripers on artificials.

The thermocline ( a cooler layer of water where 2 layers meet) has set in at Lake Whitney and the Stripers are hanging out right at and above the thermocline making patterning them a lot easier. Catching big Whitney stripers to 16 Lbs. on artificials. This is a later bite so no need to get up at dark 30, sleep in have breakfast make your way to the dock and get ready to get your line stretched and the kinks taken out of your elbows. Catching these fish in relatively shallow water in the middle of the day and having a blast doing it. If you've never caught big stripers you should come get you some of this action! Give me a shout at 817-822-5539 for more information. As always may God Bless you and hope someday soon to " C Ya on the Water!"

Monday, July 01, 2013

The summer bites on!

Things are really happening at Whitney with the White Bass, or sand bass as we like to call them. The big Uglies, These are some of the largest Whites I have seen on Whitney in several years, big 16 and 17 inch sandies and I've even seen a couple 18" sand bass caught. We are using slabs with a jig tied above about 12" and catching them 2 at a time. Most days you have a hard time getting your bait to the bottom. If your wanting to load up on some fillets for a fish fry or introduce kids to fishing this is the time to do it. No boredom here, just fast paced action that even the least experienced angler can adapt to quickly and catch a lot of fish.
 The Stripers are slow although there has been some caught while fishing for the white bass. I really believe we lost stripers through the gates last year in march of 2012 when we went from 12' low to 4' high. There was a large school of stripers down by the dam and when they opened the gates I believe a lot of them when through and into the Brazos River. I know that even this past week when they were releasing water there where stripers to 20 lbs being caught below the dam free lining large gizzard shad. We didn't lose all of them and the ones that remain in the lake are getting really big due to 1 no one is really targeting them and also the amount of forage we have in the lake is making for some really healthy fish.
No thermocline yet as of July 1st 2013 but with the water temp at 88 degrees that will change soon. We are still catching a lot of fish down at 30 to even 42' on ledges and edges some days.
TPWD stocked a little over 900,000 striper fry and fingerlings this year so we can look forward to them growing up in a couple of years. Take 2 to 2 1/2 years for the males to mature and 3 to 4 years for the females. We they get a little bigger and start chasing and feeding on shad some of the remaining larger stripers will follow them and while they won't try to compete with the younger faster stripers they will lay in wait under them and feed on what they injure and drop/ Then you'll catch a lot of what we call boxfish, 18 to 20 inch fish and then bust one or two over 15 even 20 lbs. Seen this happen on Whitney in the past and we will see it again. Good fishing and may God Bless you and hope some day soon to, " C Ya on the Water!"