Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Summer Pattern, weather's Hot and so is the Catching!!!!

The fishing remains awesome on Whitney with limit coming in daily. Most fish are in the 19 to 22" range with some double digit fish being thrown in the mix. The thermocline has sat in around 30' and the fish are above it chasing large schools of baitfish on the flats. I am using white 1/2oz buck tail jigs from with white 7" striper sniper worm trailers from   under downriggers and able to keep up with these schools of bait chasing roaming stripers. Fast and furious action and a ton of fun. Also by running downriggers there is always a breeze and with the canopy up we have a shade to fish under on these hot dog days of summer. TPWD reported that Whitney is the HOTTEST Striper lake in Texas and they are not wrong, they also said we have more fish than any historical record  and that is not hard to believe seeing the huge schools of fish on my graph. Great to see all the boats on the lake and all the businesses thriving around the lake due to the awesome fishing, not just stripers but all species. If you have thought about checking Whitney out and getting on an awesome striper bite you ought to come get ya some. Give me a shout at 817-822-5539 and come on and get in the boat, experience Texas Striper fishing at its finest!  Gotta run, fish on! get the net!!!! As always May God Bless you and hope someday soon to, See Ya on the Water!
Randy Routh


At July 12, 2017 at 5:15 AM, Blogger Team Redneck said...

If you order baits from Striper Sniper use my code Whitney15 at checkout and receive my discount.


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