Friday, December 14, 2018

Winter Fishing on fire!!!

     Just when you think fishing on Whitney can't get any better here comes the winter bite and it is awesome. The baitfish (shad) are being forced out of the creeks due to the colder water temps will kill them. Out on the main lake they gather up in a safety in numbers type deal for survival. The satellite schools of stripers we target during the spring summer and fall gang up and trap the shad to the surface allowing the Gulls to dive and feed on them helping fishers to locate the fish. Huge schools of gorging fish equals to great days on the water. Another pattern is to look in the mouths of creeks. As the shad migrate out of the colder creeks the stripers (and other predator fish) will trap and gorge on them between the colder shallower water and the open water.   As per T.P.W.D. Whitney has more fish than any historical Record and is the hottest striper lake in Texas!
   Bundle up, its cold on the water but you warm up quickly on the fast action. Lead heads and soft plastics are the trick right now, just remember, when you think your fishing slow enough, slow down some more.
 I'm offering gift certificates again this year but instead of charging full price at the time of purchase, I am only charging 100.00 deposit with the remainder due prior to the day of the trip. That way your not out the full price right before Christmas, that and I still get a pay check when the trip is taken, win, win!.
You really should come experience Whitney at it's finest, you can reach me at 817-822-5539 or at my email As always, May God bless you and hope some day soon to
 "See ya on the water!"                               


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