Friday, February 09, 2007

Looking forward to a great New Season on Whitney.

Things are looking great in 2007 on Lake Whitney. The Lake has come up to within 5' of pool and the fishing had been great. Many catches of Striper and Blue Cats caught under the birds. I am anxiously awaiting for the spring patterns this March, April and May. The Lake is Full of Shad and the fish are gorging on them and we should see some very healthy fish caught this spring along with multiple limits being caught. I am working with Uncle Gus' Marina on a new sponsorship with Polar Boats and Yamaha outboards and am getting near to being in a new Polar model 2310 Bay Boat. I recently recieved all new custom KISTLER rods and they are awesome. The phone is ringing and I am starting to book spring trips now. Be sure and come experiance Lake Whitney and all it has to offer. Hope to see ya on the water.
Pro Guide Randy Routh. 817-822-5539

Friday, February 02, 2007

Johnson County Kids.

I was blessed this past summer by being invited by Johnson County Juvenile services to work with their first time offendors and try to help turn some young lives around. We took them out to a Ranch I manage and take care in south central Texas. It sprawls across 2 counties and is full of Texas history. We started the day with me showing them around, started with a log cabin that Charles Goodnight helped build, took them down through the woods and creeks and showed them wildlife sign and tracks. Up to a hill we call School Tree where many years ago they use to actually hold school under a group of Oak trees that grow out of one root sysytem. We wrapped up the day fishing the stock tanks and creeks and had a lunch break under a stand of Oaks. I can only hope that in some small way I made a difference in there lives. If we helped one then it was all worth while.