Just a strolling!
Brrr it's February and it's been cold! The baitfish are starting to migrate up the creeks and any day the stripers and the rest of the game fish in the lake will follow and start gorging on them trapping them between the back of the creeks and the open water. When this happens and it does every year it's Katy bar the door. I catch the Stripers strolling and casting swimbaits, the White Bass (in the creeks) we usually catch casting small spoons and little georges or tail hummers. This should happen any day, last Saturday Feb 1st there was literally millions of shad up in one particular creek just boiling the water, it won't take long for the fish to find them. You should come get ya some of this!
Catfish, if catching and eating catfish is your game we are catching limits of mixed blues and channels in as deep as 90' of water in the mouths of the creeks and along the river channel edge. Long distant fight and steady action, pretty fast paced most days.
The white bass are fattening up and they are some of the biggest white bass you'll catch anywhere, seems like the past couple of years the white bass have really come back in size. Tieing a jig above a 3/4 oz slab and catching them 2 at a time.
As far as Stripers we got stocked last year with over 900,000 fingerlings and fry, some of them will be getting close to keeper size especially by this fall. They will offer a lot of non stop action, if you get into these fish and start hooking them deep move off, we don't need to start killing young stripers. White Bass fishermen will need to play close attention and not keep under sized stripers thinking their White Bass. Their will be some big linesiders caught this year, last year the smallest stripers we were catching was around 8 lbs and up to 18 lbs, the grow about 2 1/2 pounds a year so most of our keeper stripers will be over 10 lbs, the reason being is we missed about 3 years of being stocked with fingerlings and the fish we have, have grown up! Can't wait till April when they go shallow and we catch them on top water! Have a great day and hope some day soon to
"C Ya on the Water"