Monday, June 27, 2005

Fishing Lake Aquilla and Luke Clayton Outdoors

Listen in on Saturday Mornings at 106.9 The Ranch from 8AM till 9AM and catch me talking fishing with Luke Clayton. You can also pull it up on and click on the radio link and listen anytime on line.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Friends and Family Reunion June 25 - 26th

we are gearing up for our annual Friends and Family reunion at Lake Whitney this June and want you to come. RY and cabin sites available at Little Rocky Lodge and Cliffview more RV sites available at Loafer Bend, we will meet sat night at our Lake lot around 5pm for food, fellowship and music around the campfire. Email me at or just click on my contact link on web site. I will post cliffviews info, little rocky is or for Loafer Bends info. Hope to see ya there.