Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring bite on Lake Whitney!

Finally, Spring is here and the Stripers are hungry! Switched over to live bait and it is paying off. Limits coming on main lake humps and points and also up shallow early and late. I like throwing big Gizzard shad up shallow and letting the big Sow Stripers pick them up and make a long run!!! Gotta love catching big fish in shallow water. The Sows are full of eggs and gorging on shad, big fat healthy Stripers. With the warming water temps it won't be long and you'll see big Top Water baits tied on the end of my rods ready to wage war on the shallow running linesiders. Don't go if you have a weak heart, nothing like having a 15 to 20LB Striper blow up at the boat on a big Redfin!!!! As always, God Bless you and yours and hope to, " C Ya on the Water."


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